Monday, August 12, 2013

Healthy values

I love to eat healthy...always have...Or at least, I've always loved the concept of eating healthy. I used to eat clean years ago, but for some reason, a reason that I CANNOT remember, I just stopped....Not even sure if there was a reason! I am beginning the second week in my Beachbody challenge and at times, I figure, "meh, this is easy, I enjoy clean foods." But then, I walk into the kitchen and see a bag of chips that my  Husband has just sitting on the counter, calling my name. No, can't do it, and didn't do it. But, you come to learn very quickly that when you used to anything, it is so hard to resist temptations when you are trying to change your eating habits.

So how do we do it? How do we beat those temptations, when all we want is a small bag of chips? One bag won't hurt right? Why spend all of that time kicking a** and taking names during the week, just to succumb to "junk food." Is it really worth it?

One thing that I've decided since having my child 19 months ago, is that I want to set a good, healthy example for her. Especially when obesity runs on her Daddy's side of the family. I want her to see healthy eating and fitness as an everyday thing in our world. She deserves to have healthy habits laid out for her. She's my number one reason for doing this. I need to be healthy for her, she counts on me to look after her needs. How can I do that appropriately when I can't look after myself?

I am more committed than ever to be fit and healthy for my family. So, entering my second week of the Beachbody challenge group, I plan on continuing to do my best, "and forget the rest!"

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