Saturday, December 28, 2013

New Year, New You

So, with Christmas over and a new year upon us, everyone is thinking, resolutions. I'm making a resolution this year to not make any more resolutions. It seems that the majority of people don't seem to stick with their resolutions. I vowed last July to better myself by making a lifestyle "resolution" if you will. Eating clean and working out regularly. Since then, that's definitely been something that I'm able to stick to and getting huge results to boot! Inches lost and toned, sculpted arms! All by working out at home, who needs the gym?!

We wait for the new year to decide that we need to lose that last 10 or 20 lbs, spend more time with our family, or quit smoking. Why must we wait for January 1 to do it?

According to, the top 5 resolutions for 2014 are:
1. Lose weight
2. Get organized
3. Spend less, save more
4. Enjoy life to the fullest
5. Staying fit and healthy

8% of Americans are actually successful in achieving their resolution. Not a lot when you consider that 45% of Americans are actually making resolutions. So what are we doing wrong? Why is there no follow through? Time, I know, is often a factor, or an excuse in some cases. If these things are important enough that we want to change, why don't we just find a way to make it happen?

Here are some tips to be the best that you can be in achieving your resolution:

-Write down your goal.  People who write their goals down are 42% more likely to achieve them than the ones who didn't. Telling a friend increases this percentage to 78%.

-Make it something that you really want. Meaning, don't make it something that you "should" do, but something that you "want" to happen.

-Make your goals specific. Don't just say, "I'm going to exercise more. Instead, say, "I'm going to exercise Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6pm. You wouldn't miss an appointment elsewhere would you? Treat this the same way.

-Make a plan. How do you want to set out to achieve your goal? Write it out step by step. The less likely you will be to find excuses.

-You make need to change some of your daily habits to achieve your goal. Be prepared to adjust to some minor changes to get you to your ultimate goal!

Strive to be the very best that you can be! You can do it! Make 2014 YOUR year!

For any of you who have resolutions of health and fitness, apply to be in my New Year, New You Challenge Group to receive online support, motivation, and accountability through the help of a coach! Just comment below!

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